Newmarket Road, Cambridge
The development provides a student accommodation complex for Cambridge University comprising 3No. 3-4 storey blocks with 154 Student Rooms and associated common areas.
The development site is a former Honda vehicle dealership on a triangular plot between the Network Rail Mainline and the main road which rakes up to pass over the rail line forming a retaining structure to the north corner of the site.
Pure Structures Ltd were appointed by Stellar Cambridge Ltd. to carry out the Structural/Civil Design of the buildings.
The building structure is a reinforced concrete frame comprising flat slabs and blade columns and with stability provided by the combined action of shear walls and main stair/lift cores.
The building envelope premonitorily consist of different shades of brickwork combined with a specialist feature rainscreen cladding.
All drawing production was carried out using Autodesk Revit and Pure Structures’ BIM model provided a valuable tool for the client and contractor to improve the construction process. Collaborative work carried out between the design team was also particularly useful in relation to setting out coordination and clash detection.
The project has recently commenced demolition of the previous structures and enabling works.